Walking canes or sticks are great mobility aids for individuals that don’t require the full assistance that a walker or rollator can provide. In most cases, a cane can assist the user in getting up and supporting weight on one or both of their legs. In terms of style, walking canes offer the most options.

Individuals with certain nervous system disorders often require some type of mobility aid. Generally a walking aid or cane is meant to assist in balance and coordination. The first clear benefit of a walking cane is in climbing and descending stairs. Secondly, it is ideal for assisting individuals getting and out of there vehicles.

Materials, construction, and cane diameter should be your major concerns when purchasing a walking cane.

A support walking cane must be weight bearing and have a comfortable handle, with a rubber tip on the bottom. It can be made out of 1 or 2 pieces. The shape of the handle must be comfortable and allow the weight to be directly over the shaft, the thickness of the shaft must be sufficient to support the users weight without bending or bowing, and it should approximate in length half the height of the user. The shape of a cane handle comes roughly in two common shapes: The offset T-shape or the crook (candy cane). Special Thanks to HouseofCanes.com. Take a look at their site, they have some great information on walking sticks and canes.

 Derby Handle Cane  Crook Handle Cane  Fritz Handle Cane  Ball Handle Cane  Palm Handle Cane
 Derby Handle  Crook Handle  Fritz Handle  Ball Handle  Palm Grip Handle

When purchasing a cane or walking stick you’ll need to make sure it was designed for the hand you’ll be using for support. There are many canes and sticks that will work equally well on either hand. If the cane you are buying is a gift, this will typically be your best option. Ask your doctor or health care professional for advice.

Quad Walking Canes – The quad walking cane gives the user more support due to their four tip design.

Quad CaneQuad CaneQuad Cane

Walking Cane Shafts – Most walking canes have either a hardwood or aluminum shaft.

Walking Cane Grips – The grip or handle of most walking canes are made from wood, rubber, plastic, or soft foam.

Custom Walking Sticks – For individuals that want a little style, a custom walking stick is a great option. Will probably cost a little more but well worth it. Most quality walking sticks are made of some type of hardwood and can be custom crafted to your specifications.

Useful ResourcesBob’s Stick Making Pages – Located in the UK. This is a very informative site. It’s more on walking sticks but it does have some great information and FAQ’s.